
How to Incorporate Modern Room Dividers in Your Colorado Décor

Pinky’s Iron Doors room dividers help you make the most of your inner space. You can use them to create rooms in a space where there are none, divide a kitchen and dining room without cramping up your interior, and use them in place of other things you may otherwise not have enough space for.

Are you desperately in need of room divider ideas to quick-fix the floor plan of your living room, bedroom, or any other room , SD Lifts or studio apartment? We’ve got some that you can try at your Colorado.

Turn One Children’s Room Into Two

If you live in a small condominium, you probably don’t have enough room to give each child a separate bedroom. By placing a modern room divider right in the middle of their room, you can offer them the privacy they’re sorely lacking.

What’s more, you can paint the walls on both sides of the room a different color or pattern to reflect your children’s tastes and bring it all together with an interior sliding door.

The More (Furniture) the Merrier

When you’ve got a largely open-plan living area, you may find it difficult to add furniture without cluttering up the space. However, room dividers can make this a non-issue by turning your open floor plan into a semi-open floor plan.

By strategically placing a divider between a living room and dining area, living room and entryway, or dining area and kitchen, you can have separate furniture on both sides without cluttering up your space. That way, you won’t have to move from one space to the next when you want to watch TV, have breakfast, or do anything else associated with an entryway, living room, dining room, and kitchen.

A Room Inside a Room

You can use room dividers to create a room inside a room. If you’ve never thought about having a reading area inside a living room, you can start thinking about it now. Cordon off a small reading area with floating bookshelves from a larger living area featuring couches, a flat-screen television, tables, and everything else defining your living room.

If your living room is too small to accommodate a small library, feel free to take the divider anywhere else inside your home. Be sure to prioritize glass panes over T-bars to maintain visual continuity.

A Divider for a Door

Let’s face it: home offices are a product of the pandemic. Most of us never felt the need for an office because work and home were geographically separate entities. However, that stopped being the case for many of us quite a while ago. This room divider idea is for those who had to share one of their rooms with a home office.

Although Dutch and bi-fold doors make perfect office doors because of how smooth a transition they offer, you would be truly remiss without a modern room divider. And let’s not forget the fact that your room probably already has an interior door. Installing another door inside would be like having two suns in the sky. In other words: utterly ridiculous.

 A Complete Room

Some have a closet inside their room, some have an attached bathroom, some have both, and some barely have enough space to bit a bed, nightstands, and dresser. If you belong to the last category, fret not, for we have the perfect solution.

Install a bathtub or closet on one side of your room and separate it from your sleeping area with a room divider. By doing so, you can maintain the open concept of your room and add more function to it.

Steal a Peak!

Room dividers serve a purpose, but they aren’t just a means to an end. You can install and even add some personality to a modern room divider for aesthetic reasons. Here’s how.

You can use glass panes of different types on a single room divider to add some texture to it. Try this trick on any of the above room divider ideas, especially the last one. If you want to tease a bathtub on the other side of your room bedroom, there’s no better way to do it.

Alternate Frost glass with low-E glass to offer glimpses into the other side but never the full picture.

Find room dividers and a whole host of other items at Pinky’s Iron Doors, an online store where you can browse iron front doors, exterior steel doors, steel windows, modern room dividers, and other accessories to upgrade your Colorado home.

Contact the store to order your metal doors and accessories today.

About the Author

Tim Ellis is a freelance door designer from Colorado. He follows Pinky’s Iron Doors religiously and tries to inspire his design after their modern doors, dividers, and windows. When he’s not drawing doors, he’s writing about them on various guest blogs. This is his first blog directly for Pinky’s Iron Doors.

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