Home Improvement

How to remove and replace clogged showerheads?

Once you get a new showerhead, your main goal would be to replace the older one. One of the main reasons people prefer replacing showerheads is because they get clogged too often. 

The bigger problem is when the showerhead gets stuck. At the same time, your new showerhead is effective and efficient. The older one being stuck can be a huge problem. It is necessary to look for qualified gas and plumbing services which can help to solve this problem. 

What will you need to replace the showerhead?

Once the showerhead gets stuck, you may call for professional help. The professionals have all tools that are necessary for replacing the best tub to shower conversion. However, it is always advisable to have a backup. Some of the common tools you will need to replace your old showerhead are vinegar, steel wool, wrench, garbage bag, and plumber tape. 

How to remove the old showerhead?

Once you get the new showerhead, you are surely excited to install it. However, if your older one doesn’t come out, how would you do it? 

Some of the key steps for preparing to remove the old showerhead include the following:

Protect the bathroom fixtures

You already have a lot of expensive fixtures in your bathroom, the bathtub being one of the most prominent ones. You should replace the showerhead and prepare your bathroom area for the same. When you turn off the water supply, you can easily stay protected against any risk. 

It would help if you protected the bathtub by applying a garbage bag over it. It will help to protect your bathtub against mess created by rust. Moreover, when you replace the showerhead, a lot of metal is sure to fall. The garbage bag will offer complete protection to your bathroom. 

Remove the showerhead

You can easily remove the showerhead using pliers or by twisting it. However, you will face a major problem if it gets stuck. If you can’t do it manually, you should consider twisting the showerhead with your wrench or pliers, and this will help to increase the pressure. 

However, if you can still remove it, vinegar can prove to be handy. You should fill a gallon bag with vinegar and tie it around the showerhead. When the showerhead soaks it up, it can be beneficial. The vinegar will remove rust and minerals. Therefore, it will be easier for you to remove the showerhead.

Clean the shower pipe

It is crucial to clean the shower pipes. You can easily clean the shower pipes using threads. Furthermore, it will also help prevent corrosion. You should scrub the shower pipes using steel wool and vinegar, which will help prevent mineral and rust buildup. 

Maintain the showerhead using vinegar cleanses

Vinegar can be of great help for cleaning the showerhead. Furthermore, it would help if you also considered cleansing your new showerhead using the vinegar at least once a year. You should allow the showerhead to soak in it for a night to prevent the risk of mineral buildup. 

The showerhead is one of the most important parts of your bathroom. Therefore, it is advisable to reach out to professionals to remove it. This will help to save time and money. 

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