Home Improvement

Tips To Maximise Hygiene In A Tiny House On Wheels

Be it a tiny house on wheels (THOW), or a regular house, keeping it clean is a necessity. A clean home not only looks good but also provides a healthy place to stay.

Cleaning and maintaining a THOW is comparatively easier than a traditional house, mainly because of the size difference. A THOW is much smaller in size so, it takes less time to clean. If you clean it daily, you will need less effort to maintain it.

If you are planning to hire a tiny home on wheels builder and build a THOW, you will want to know how to keep it clean. Well, we have got some tips and suggestions lined up for you.

  • Clean your exhaust fans

Dampness can be a big issue in a THOW. That’s why many people set up exhaust fans to get rid of moist air and odours. But these fans need cleaning too, or they won’t work well. When your exhaust fans get dirty, they tend to grow mold. So, it’s a good idea to clean them every six months to keep them running smooth and mold-free.

  • Check the water filters

Even THOWs have water filters. You see buying bottled water all the time can be expensive, therefore; many people install filters. These filters need regular attention too. Depending on the type you have got, you will need to clean them now and then, and also replace the filters every three to six months.

  • Adopt cleaning habits

Keeping a THOW tidy starts with promoting good hygiene habits. Ask guests to take off their shoes at the door to keep outside dirt from coming in. You should designate separate spots for cooking and eating to control spills and messes. Also, make sure to manage waste properly to avoid attracting pests in tight quarters.

If you have plans to build a THOW and enjoy a unique living experience, Tilt Tiny Homes can be of great help to you. With their skills and knowledge about THOWs, they can make your dream come true. When you get your THOW, you can follow these tips to keep the indoors clean and hygienic.

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